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AI Moving Fort Guns

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:19 am
by Farfarer2
In 1812 scenario the AI can move around ( often large distances) the "Fort Guns". There is also a weird supply unit in Philadelphia that looks like a stack of crates, but has as playtesting/debug/beta name.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:26 am
by GShock
Farfarer2 wrote:In 1812 scenario the AI can move around ( often large distances) the "Fort Guns". There is also a weird supply unit in Philadelphia that looks like a stack of crates, but has as playtesting/debug/beta name.

Do you have a gamesave to submit to the team? It also helps to document these issues with a screenshot posted.
You can use fraps ( it's free) to take screenshots, save them as JPG, then upload them to a host (i.e. and link the SS to the post with the tags.

That helps a lot. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:51 am
by GlobalExplorer
The stack I have seen myself and I also didnt know what it is. It was called "Naval supplies" and I guess I can load it onto a ship and it will then act like a supply train.

You know that naval guns can be loaded on ships, once they have become unlocked?