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WIA (public beta) patch 1.08 Release Candidate 10 (November 30, 2010)

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:57 pm
by lodilefty
...and again:

Latest game engine, plus

Since RC9

* Fixed Depot build by Transport Ships bug (appeared in RC9)
*there is a more detailed tooltip on the entrench level icon
*abilities tooltip have their appliance level added by code.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:31 pm
by Baris
Abilities tool tip making the game crash,. ex: Bradstreet brigade as a colonial commader ability. Some text is also overlapping to another.

edit: Im 1 second faster to report :D :winner:
edit 2: Recruit ability does not necessary needs to be commander of the stack.
Ex: George Washington
I won two times :D

Bug and CTD with new Abilities Tooltips

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:31 pm
by lodilefty
Something awry, here:

Seems if 2 or more units in a group with ability, things start to scramble.

...or get overlapped.

...and after a while, a CTD (Log atached)....

17:25:17 [Critical ] TGameSim.ExportData Exception caught, ExportStep: Model Detail Indice de liste hors limites (2)

Easy to replicate: Load a new 1755 Campaign GBR, and fool around with Braddocks Force.....

Edit: Baris beats me by nanoseconds!!! :thumbsup:

[color="Red"]Edit2: Also get scrambled/overlapping text in AACW, but no CTD there (yet)
Edit3: Also get scrambled/overlapping text in NCP
Edit4: Does NOT seem to be a bug in RoP! No fair! :blink:
Edit5: With WIA, I get the same error either with "patch over patch" or when applying patch to a clean install of WIA 1.00b[/color]