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Clinton and Howe seniority

Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:17 am

In 1775 campaign when they arrive Howe and Clinton both have seniority of 3 which leads to clinton assuming the command of the forces by default if both of them are in the same stack (even if the picture of the stack shows Howe as commanding Clinton will be the one in charge during the turn resolutions). Which is quite bad considering his -4 CP penalty when commanding - so your forces can end with a out-of-command penalty.

The situation is resolved when Howe is promoted to commander-in-chief by an event but couln't you simply lower Clintons seniority to 4.

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Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:14 pm

We could I suppose, but as the two of them were historically at odds, it creates a rather interesting situation.

...or you could mod your installation ;)

Researchers: what were teir actual dates of seniority? Maybe Clinton is really senior????
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Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:10 pm

From British Army Officers Who Served in the American Revolution 1775-1783:
Howe Col. 11 May 1775; Clinton Col. 16 Dec 1778. These are regimental ranks. Howe became a Major General (permanent rank) 25 May, 1772.
Clinton becomes a Lt General in America 1 Sep, 1775, but Howe's permanent Maj Gen rank and earlier Col rank make him senior.
Both became General in America 1 Jan 1776, so they would outrank any Germans.
Howe was promoted to Lt Gen (permanent rank) 29 Aug 1777. Clinton received no furhter permanent rank promotions.

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Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:11 pm

FM WarB wrote:From British Army Officers Who Served in the American Revolution 1775-1783:
Howe Col. 11 May 1775; Clinton Col. 16 Dec 1778. These are regimental ranks. Howe became a Major General (permanent rank) 25 May, 1772.
Clinton becomes a Lt General in America 1 Sep, 1775, but Howe's permanent Maj Gen rank and earlier Col rank make him senior.
Both became General in America 1 Jan 1776, so they would outrank any Germans.
Howe was promoted to Lt Gen (permanent rank) 29 Aug 1777. Clinton received no furhter permanent rank promotions.

Sounds like a good chance to mod for someone ;)

If so, be aware that this will require modding seniority of all 2* Generals, as there would ensue yet another 'equal' seniority once we lower Clinton.

Note to future = leave gaps in the seniority number sequence so we can adjust one or two without adjusting all!!!!
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Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:13 pm

I always liked that Howe and Clinton start out at same seniority. I believe this really nicely reflects the conficts between those two commanders until matters were settled by London...

In game you have a number of options. Leave Gage in command until he leaves. Give Howe and Clinton separate commands (Clinton is actually quite good, and with slight randomisation of leader stats he can turn out even better. Give Howe a separate command and leave Clinton with Gage...

Also, I'm pretty certain I've also seen Howe command when he was in the same force (or stack) as Clinton and their seniority was still identical. I'd think this is determined randomly, or am I wrong?
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