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Misplaced reinforcements

Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:57 pm

I'm playing the 1755 campaign, British side, using 1.04c version. Twice now, British provincial re-inforcements have appeared, usually in January, in ridiculous locations - in the wilderness, far behind French lines, with no hope of getting back to friendly territory before freezing or being destroyed. Surely re-inforcements should appear in towns, of level 2 or larger? It is unrealistic for them to be formed in the hostile wilderness in the middle of winter.

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Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:31 pm

Could you please post a saved game showing this?

Then we can look at what is happening.
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Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:46 pm

Thanks, lodilefty, but with a fast-filling hard drive I only save crucial turns during the campaign season. When it happens again, I will save it.

In the first instance, a Pennsylvanian provincial battalion appeared in Round Knob, between Forts Venango and Duquesne - both French occupied at the time - I think, at the start of 1757. I gave it orders to avoid contact and move to Fort Fredrick, the nearest friendly place. It selected a path through Ohio Forks and stopped to besiege Ft. Duquesne. Nothing I could do would get it moving again and it died there in the snow.

The second was a New Hampshire provincial battalion which appeared about the same time, the next year, at the top of Lake Champlain, in Lamoille. A cadre of one company managed to struggle back to Fort Edward.

In both cases, the regions in which they appeared belonged to the Home State of each battalion, but the game seemed indifferent to whether it placed them in friendly or unfriendly territory. I have never seen this happen in earlier versions. My comments about re-inforcements appearing in towns or forts, stand.

My game is unmodded, with the official 1.04c patch installed, so there is nothing unique about my version of the game. I can't believe I'm the only one who has seen this happen.

It is a small but annoying blemish on an otherwise excellent game, and I hope you can do something about it. Cheers.

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