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Drag-drop on top of enemy to intercept does not work?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:00 am
by CatoTheYounger
I have repeatedly tried to intercept the enemy by drag-dropping my unit on top of an enemy, but it does not bring up any icon to show this working. Drag-dropping to merge a unit works every time, but not to intercept. I have scanned the forum and found nothing on this. Do I have a bad download? Because everything else works.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:51 am
by Durk
When you drop your force on an enemy force you should get a message at the top of the screen. The message will be in white. It should say something like, Greene is targeting Cornwallis. If you do not see a message, then it is not working.
Unlike merging friendly forces, an interception does not always work, especially if the opposing force is moving and you do not have enough range to reach the target destination. Try drag and drop in a dark terrain (that is not winter) and leave the targeted force in the area.
Final note, you cannot intercept an enemy force in the same region as your force.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:29 am
by CatoTheYounger
Ty for your reply as always. Works like a charm.