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Rudiments of British strategy in the FIW scenario.

Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:14 pm

So, I'm getting kicked about rather badly in PBEM play and I'm in sore need of some good advice as to how the British should conduct the war and I fall upon the AGEOD community to cure my ignorance.

- What should the British aim to do for the first three or so years of the war? I think I've fallen into the trap of being too aggressive too early and paying the price for it. When should I look to transition to the offensive?
- Is it wise to delay the spawning of Forts Oswego, William-Henry and William? I always seem to lose them to big raids by French partisans.
- Aside from Halifax and Albany, what locations should I be looking to build depots in?
- For the love of god, how to I defeat the doomstacks of French raiders and Indians? I've had them chew through provincials (no suprise) and regulars (suprise!) with alarming efficency, and I've had all Iroqoius burnt out of their homes twice now. Is there any hope for confronting them in broken territory at all?
- I'd also like to know, step-by-step, how to wrest Louisbourg from the French. I've sent Wolfe and Amherst to massive defeats twice now.

Any advice would be most welcomed, as I'm battered and bruised and sorely needing a defeat against the French.

General of the Army
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Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:49 am

Sorry, it has been too long since I played the scenario to give advice. I do remember the Brits having some difficulty at the beginning but having the numbers to swamp the French eventually. Have you checked out any of the After Action Reports on PBEM French and Indian games? You can learn a lot from reading AARs.

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Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:17 am

Ah yes, those darned French and Indians.

Years early, hold, curse and build.

Go for the forts, worst outcome, some fighting.

No depots, just armies.

Just build your armies and accept the losses. Painful, but the future is near.

Wolfe and Amherst are the boys. Build a depot on the non-fortress region. Send every spare unit you have. Then siege Louisbourg and place your fleet to blockade.

Playing the Brits is always so discouraging, until you realize Canada will soon be yours

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Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:37 pm

Jagger2013 wrote:Sorry, it has been too long since I played the scenario to give advice. I do remember the Brits having some difficulty at the beginning but having the numbers to swamp the French eventually. Have you checked out any of the After Action Reports on PBEM French and Indian games? You can learn a lot from reading AARs.

Only those AAR's that were over at Paradox Forums. While they're both excellent, it's rather hard to get a feel for a scenario from just two AAR's.

Are there any others you can point me towards?

Durk wrote:Ah yes, those darned French and Indians.

Years early, hold, curse and build.

Go for the forts, worst outcome, some fighting.

No depots, just armies.

Just build your armies and accept the losses. Painful, but the future is near.

Wolfe and Amherst are the boys. Build a depot on the non-fortress region. Send every spare unit you have. Then siege Louisbourg and place your fleet to blockade.

Playing the Brits is always so discouraging, until you realize Canada will soon be yours

Yeah, you're confirming my supicions. I'm playing it too aggressively. Hopefully I'll do better whenever I take the Brits back out again.

General of the Army
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Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:08 pm

Here is the forum for all AARs for AGEOD games. There is one section for BOA and another for BOA2. You will need to go though the various theads to find the ones on French and Indian War. And IMO, you can learn a lot from just one good AAR. Definitely get a lot of good ideas.

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Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:20 am

It is so tempting as the British to just go for it, you have the force; but leadership matters. And those pesky tribes set ambushes.
Still, really fun scenario.

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