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[CSA] Eastern theatre - diary of Robert E. Lee

Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:43 pm


[SIZE="6"]Army of northern Virginia[/size][/CENTER]

[CENTER]Diary and comments of Robert E. Lee (and his staff), CiC of the Army of northern Virginia.[/CENTER]


- Headquarter -[/CENTER]
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[font="Georgia"][CENTER]Commander-in-chief of the Confederate forces in the east[/CENTER][/font]

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:53 pm

[CENTER][SIZE="4"]Eastern theatre forces - Late march 1862[/size]

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[font="Georgia"][CENTER]Commander-in-chief of the Confederate forces in the east[/CENTER][/font]


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Mon May 07, 2007 2:12 pm

April 14th, 1862. General J. E. Johnstons Headquarter near the village Culpeper. 9:30 AM
The Generals of the Army of Northern Virginia standing around a table with some military maps on it.

Johnston: [color="Olive"]"Good morning Generals, welcome to the second year of war."[/color]
The Generals starting to laugh.. [color="Sienna"]"moring General"[/color] , [color="DeepSkyBlue"]"good morning, sir!" [/color].

Johnston:[color="Olive"] "Well, lets start with the South Carolina front. General Pemberton's command is besieged in Hardeeville. The federal troops of Burnside managed to take out one of the gates. Theres a big hole now.. and gentlemen, i think Burnsides troops will attack in a few hours.
General Walkers Division captured Beaufort. So Burnside is cut off from any supply routes.
If Pemberton ward off the first attack, we can beat him!"[/color]


Johnston: [color="Olive"]"Alright gentlemen, heres the situation at the Rappahannock. General Longstreet, please go ahead"[/color]

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]Longstreet: "Thank your sir. Well gentlemen, the boys in blue concentrate their troops around Manassas and 25 miles north of Fredericksburg.
The main army is at Manassas. We count 2 corps, McDowells and Franklins.
Keyes and Sumners corps are on their left flank.
We can set 2 corps against them. Our first, my corp and the third corp of Gen. Smith have 60.000 men..."[/color]

The generals start looking at Gen. Smith.

Smith: [color="SandyBrown"]"Sir, Holmes Division is on the way. He will arrive in 6 or 7 days in Fredericksburg. Fredericksburg is a small fortification now and we will crush every move of the damned Yankees, by god!"[/color]


Longstreet: [color="DeepSkyBlue"]"Jacksons corp got some reinforcements and is now on the move. He will attack Harper Ferry and beat the federals. If we manage to capture Harper Ferry, he will get attention and maybe the Yankees will split their corps. General Jackson wont disappoint us."[/color]


Longstreet: [color="DeepSkyBlue"]"Gentlemen, we got some problems with the supplylines. The nearest depot is Fredericksburg so its hard to get supply to Winchestor. Jacksons corp has supply for nearly a month. If he failed to capture Harper Ferry and the depot, he will be in trouble!
My men start building a depot on our left flank, so we got enough supply to built up our defence... Thats the situation, sir."[/color]


Johnston: [color="Olive"]"Thank you, general. Gentlemen, you heared it.. may god be with you!"[/color]

The generals salute and leave the table.
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Mon May 14, 2007 12:22 pm

May 10th, 1862. General J. E. Johnstons Headquarter near the village Culpeper. 8:50 AM
The Generals of the Army of Northern Virginia standing around a table with some military maps on it.

Johnston: [color="Olive"]"... So we will send 2 regiments to Millen. If the federal troops cross the Savannah river, they will head to Millen. Savannah itself is protected by a full garnision. Hardeville is still under siege, I dont know whats going on with Burnside.. but he must be without any supply in a few days.
Its necessary to get some reinforcements to this region. I think, Gen. Magruders command can help, so he will get the orders soon."[/color]


Johnston: [color="Olive"]"Gentlemen, the second corp arrived at Harpers Ferry and are now besieging the town. A federal command under Kearny is north of Winchester. General Jackson did not leave any garnision in town, so he will be cut off from the main army, if we lose Winchester.
In case of this, we need a new strategy. General Longstreet will form Jacksons right flank. From this position, Jacksons flank is protected and we can step up the pressure on the Unions right flank.
General Stuarts boys will cross the Potomec and will threaten Abe Lincoln with some raids around Montgomery and Frederick City.

Its a risky maneuver and the gentlemens in Richmond arent happy about this.. but generals, you all know that we have to make the first move.
If we just stand at the Rapahannock line, they will have enough time to get more and more reinforcements. Maybe their first assault will fail, but they have enough men to attack us and the second assault might break our lines.
Gentlemen, I will assume the full responsibility for this movements.
God with you, generals!"[/color]

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Thu May 31, 2007 12:17 pm

[color="Olive"]... Gentlemen, the flanking maneuver was successfull. The federals tried to cap Winchester so Jackson would cut off from supply, but it didnt happen. Longstreet reached Winchester before Sumner. Sumners boys were beaten and retreated to the north.
Franklin's Corp is now east of Harpers Ferry. We don't know, what hes doing. Maybe he is on the way to Harpers F. Jackson can beat him, if he is attacked.
With Longstreet of his right, Harpers Ferry will fall soon.
Stuarts Division is on the way to Ellicot Mill, north of Washington. He will scout a bit and will destroy the Railroad there.

General A.P.Hill is on the way to Fredericksburg, were he will form a new Corp. With him in command, we have a strong position there!

Finally, General Lee will take command of the army. I will assist him as best as I could. Gentlemen, good with us...[/color]


@ Pocus

The regiment in Petersburg can't move to the province west. It has to go a long way round to get to Richmond. Dont know, why he cant use the Railroads there?

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[font="Georgia"][CENTER]Commander-in-chief of the Confederate forces in the east[/CENTER][/font]


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Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:51 am

can you check that military control is 25% or more in both region. Also is the tooltip indicating railroad in both region? Finally, can you force a move by land between these 2 regions?
Send me your turn and order file also, thanks.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:19 am

June 20th, 1862. General Lee's Headquarter near the village Culpeper. 9:30 AM. The Generals of the Army of Northern Virginia standing around a table with some military maps on it.

Lee: [color="Olive"]"Sirs, good morning all."[/color]

[color="DarkOrange"]Good morning general[/color], [color="MediumTurquoise"]good day sir![/color]

Lee: [color="Olive"]"Gentlemen, we have some intresting developments in the last 2 weeks. First let see the situation in South Carolina. General Burnside deployed his troops inside the damaged city. There are no defences we could found, so hes definding a ruin.
General Johnston is on the way to lead the attack next month. He will arrive in 7 days and together with General Pemberton, we have a strong army to defeat Burnside. His troops are cut off, they have to handle their injured.. and our captured troops, so this will be easy.
General Johnston will sent a surrender offer, lets see how Burnside will react."[/color]


Lee: [color="Olive"]"Generals, we have to do something to beat McCellan. So be ready for an advanche. If everything is in position, we will attack on 2 fronts.
General Hill will form our right flank. His troops will cross the Rappahannock, his aim is Falmouth. Keyes Corp has a strong position there, but Keyes is a man with no sense of defence, so General Hill you will use your knowlegde and beat him!"[/color]

Hill nods and listen to old Lees words...

Lee: [color="olive"]"Good.. Well, General Jackson has still trouble to make some breaches in Harpers Ferry, so Colonal Alexander will move to his position to command the artillery barrage. General Longstreets Corp will support Jackson and finaly cap Harpers Ferry. After this, Jackson will flank south east to attack Manassas. At the same time, General Smith and our Reserves will support Jacksons attack on Manassas. If General Hill beats Keyes Corp fast, he will support Jackson too."[/color]



Lee: [color="olive"]"Be sure that your commanders get the right orders! Stay in formation and wait for further orders from the headquarter. Prepare your troops gentlemen, further orders will follow in 2 weeks. It will be a bloody July, god with us!"[/color]
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Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:22 pm

This time a small, non roleplay report (lack of time).

My summer offensive started well. Lee and Smith moved to Manassas and besiege the Union HQ. Hill moved north and is in a good flanking position now.
He will support Lee's flank, maybe cross the Potomec to make some trouble.
Longstreet and Jackson will attack Harpers Ferry next round.. its risky, cause I could lost many many men.. which would be bad for the offensive. But they will make it.


In South Carolina, Johnston reached Hardeeville (Hope it was a little suprise :) ). Burnside attacked and lost about 17.000 men, Johnston 1.000. He could kill Gen. Rufus, a division commander of Burnside.
Next round, Johnston will attack Hardeeville and will crush Burnside! Burnside must be out of supply, so this should be easy.


God with us! :)
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:50 pm

September 17th, 1862. General Lee's Headquarter near Manassas junction. Lee is sitting in his tent, reading the Harpers Weekly. His ordnance officer enters the tent and hand over some telegrams.

[color="DarkRed"]Dear General Lee,

Second Corp stuck in Harpers Ferry. We are nearly out of supply. The Corp needs some replacements, ammo and food. I can't advance into Pennsylvania with just 20 percent of my army, so we prepare for defence here.

Gen. Jackson [/color]

[color="SlateGray"]Winchestor is back into our hands. We were suprised that Fremants Command took the city. First Corp will stay in Winchestor till reinforcements arrive.

Your friend, James L.[/color]

[color="YellowGreen"]General Lee, third Corp on the way to Manassas to reunite with the HQ. General Stuart will stay back to form the left flank. Troops are ready to fight, sir.

A.P. Hill. [/color]

[color="SandyBrown"]As ordered, I'm on the way to Culpepper to attack Keyes Corp. Scouts reported that our troops are in better shape then Keyes boys. We will throw them out of Virginia.

Gen. Smith[/color]

Some sentences of Lee's diary:
[color="DarkOliveGreen"]"... We have to rebuilt our plans to pull McCellan out of Virginia. We can't advance without Jackson and Longstreet, it is like walking without shoes. If there is no advantage till november, the army will step back behind the Rappahannock. May god bless Gen. Longstreet and Jackson.."[/color]

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[font="Georgia"][CENTER]Commander-in-chief of the Confederate forces in the east[/CENTER][/font]


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