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Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:40 am
by AndrewKurtz

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:43 am
by AndrewKurtz

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:44 am
by Hinkel

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 2:01 am
by AndrewKurtz
To all CSA Commanders:

Our resources are running currently very low, causing significant issues with priorities. Unless requested otherwise, for the foreseeable future, we will be focused on delivering replacements. If you required otherwise, please advise.

Little naval activity or infrastructure investment can currently take place due to limited funds. We are hesitant to simply print money.

Finally, advise as to whether any promotion are in order.

President Davis

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:06 pm
by Hinkel
[font="Courier New"]To: Department of War, Richmond VA

Dear mister secretary,

I have to report, that the Army of Northern Virginia is still besieging Manassas. A federal corp under Keyes crossed the Rappahannock, trying to flank our troops. General Smith reserve corp followed and reached him yesterday. He suprised the federals and inflicted many casualties. Keyes is surrounded and Smith will attack at full strength now. Sir, we could destroy the entire corp in the next few days.

With the lost of the reserve corp, the 3rd corp reached Manassas to reinforce the HQ.

Bad news from Longstreet and Jackson. Longstreet is complitly without supply and ammo. Jacksons Corp need supply, too. We have no possibilities to move supply to Harpers Ferry or Winchestor.
New plan: Longstreet will move back to Fredericksburg. He will reform and his corp will form our new right flank. Jackson will form the left flank.

General Johnston is on the way back to Richmond. He will reform and will lead the reserves.

Sir, we will push them out of Virginia within this year!

Your friend,
General Robert E. Lee[/font]

West Command report

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:51 am
by geronimo
To War Department

For one month after our retreat from Corinth, we have reformed the Mississipi Army with the reinforcements we received. Our battle core is now 6 field divisions, one reserve division and a cavalry corp.
One corp (Hardee's command) is besieging New Orleans: their fortifications are broken. We expect its fall soon
We know supplies problem with Meridian's warehouses, so we have to send a corp to Mobile, expecting no surprise from the north. Our battle line will be called with Union advance, but we are ready against any amphibious operation around Vicksburg

Beauregard previews the assault on Chatanooga within two weeks. He got 2 divisions and 2 large brigades under his command. Additionnal troops could be needed in the future, depending of Buell's moves

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:21 pm
by AndrewKurtz
To Western CSA Headquarters:


We are in receipt of your most recent summary.

Continue to push to retake New Orleans. We are working to encourage partisan activity in the enemy rear soon.

We have recently been able to raise additional resource and both replacements and reinforcements should be forthcoming.

Your friend,
Jefferson Davis

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:30 pm
by AndrewKurtz
To Western and Eastern Headquarters:

Assuming no news is good news. Recent reports from the North Carolina coast indicate some success in pushing the Federal back into the sea. No significant news from New Orleans.

Replacements continue on their way.

We are also attempting to position forces in the enemys ear to disrupt supply or, at a minimum, pull his attention northward.

Keep us advised.

Best regards,
Jefferson Davis

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:53 pm
by Hinkel
[font="Courier New"]To: Department of War, Richmond VA

Dear mister secretary,

I have to tell you, that the Army of Northern Virginia is retreating. The Army of the Potomec, now leaded by Gen. Grant, attacked with a major force. We have about 19.000 casualties, General Smith and Hills Corps are heavly damaged.
Grant is not a man, who lies back and celebrate the victory now. I think, he will push forward to beat us finaly. We will reform the Army at Fredericksburg, General Johnston arrived and will command the new 4th Corp. Hope we are faster then the federals. If we got attacked.. god knows what will happen.

The new situation needs a new plan.
I've ordered Generel Jackson and General Longstreet to leave their positions in the valley. Its very risky, but we have to react on the federal advance.
We have not enough fresh troops between the AoP and Richmond. The lost of the capital would be bigger, then the recapture of Harpers Ferry or Winchestor. Both Corps will reach Manassas in 15 days.

Infrantry replacements are needed for Gen. Smiths and Gen. Hills Corps.

May god bless our troops in the field.

Your friend,
Robert E. Lee[/font]

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:01 pm
by AndrewKurtz
General Lee,

