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AGEod Guard of Honor
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The Eagles's Return ver 3.02

Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:23 pm

The Eagles's Return ver 3.02 is available for download!

1815m-1813HistMod vr4.01 includes The Eagles's Return ver 3.02 Campaign and The Struggle of Nations, Germany 1813: Historical Mod, ver.3.13 in a unique installation pack.

Whats' new
-New, indipendent installation.
-Reworked few map regions, moving Liege and Namur to the east. As a result the French player can go forward Napoleon's plan: achive a middle position, between Blucher and Wellington Armies, then engage them in separate battles.
-The two indipendent, Army levels Commands, (Ney's Aile de l'Armée du Nord and Grouchy's Reserve de l'Armée du Nord) can be activated by the Military Option Menu at player will.
-Reworked Coalition supply network: now, Wellinghton main supply source is Ostende, while fewear supplyes are stockpiled in Bruxelles, Antwerpen
-Added Bernhard Saxe-Weimar leader.
-Fixed the "Napoleon is shown the Eagles" Military Options, not working in previous "The Eagles's Return versions" as in NCP ver 1.04b 1815 default Campaign.
-Minor fixes/changes to OOBs.
-Removed modded region tiles available in previous versions, to prevent potential game instabiliity issues.

Down here the starting Coalition troops deployement in the default 1815 Campaign:

.......and in The Eagles's Return ver 3.02:
note the "repositioning" of Namur and Liege towns/fortresses.

Enjoy "The Eagles's Return" and "The Struggle of Nations, Germany 1813: Historical Mod" campaigns and please report your comments!

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Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:28 pm

But on how many campaigns are you working at the same time?! :w00t:

What is your plan on the long time? Will you mod PW and 1812? IMHO the medium and long campaigns are the more interesting to play


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:41 pm

This scenario has some more to offer in term of "modding"!
I just got the Nord Deutsche Armee-Korps: Gen. der Inf. Kleist OOB!

Nord Deutsche Armee-Korps: Gen. der Inf. Kleist von Nollendorf
Oberstleutnant von Perbrandt OU Oberstleutnant von Witzleben (Chef des Generalstabes)

*1. Hessische-Kassel Infanterie-Brigade: Gnllt. von Engelhardt
Un bataillon de grenadiers hessois.
1,2,Fus,/Landgraf Karl IR (2.250)
1,2,Fus,/Prinz Solms IR (2.250)
6-pdr. Hess. Batterie n.1

*2. Hessische-Kassel Infanterie-Brigade: GM von Mueller
Un bataillon de grenadiers hessois.
1,2,Fus,/Kurfürst IR (2.250)
1,2,Fus,/Kurprinz IR (2.250)
6-pdr. Hess. Batterie n.2

*3. Anhalt-Thuringisches Infanterie-Brigade: GM Egloffstein von Saxe-Weimar
1. Provisorische IR (composé d'un bn. de ligne de Saxe-Weimar, d'un bn. de Lwhr de Saxe-Weimar, d'un bn. de ligne de Anhalt-Dessau & d'un bn. de Jäger de Anhalt-Bernberg-Köthen) (3.000)
2. Provisorische IR (composé d'un bn. de ligne de Saxe-Gotha, d'un bn. de Lwhr de Saxe-Gotha & d'un bn. de ligne de Schwartzburg) (2.250)
3. Provisorische IR (composé d'un bn. de ligne de Lippe, d'un bn. de Lwhr de Lippe-Detmold & d'un bn. de ligne de Waldeck) (2.250)
GroBartiges Herzogtum von Oldenburgisches Regiment (régiment d'inf. du grand-duché d'oldenburg, composé d'un bn. de ligne et d'un bn. de Lwhr) (1.500)

*Mecklenburg Infanterie-Brigade: Gllt. von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (beau-frère du roi de Prusse, par sa soeur la reine Louise).
1,2,Leibgren./1. Mecklenburg-Schwern IR (1.800)
1,2,3,/2. Mecklenburg-Schwern IR (2.700 --> c'est un régiment de Lwhr!)
6-pdr. Meck.-Schw. Batterie

Nord Deutsch Armee-Korps Reserve-Kavallerie: GM von Warburg
1,2,3,4,/Wahl Hessische Lieb Dragoner (600)
1,2,3,4,/Wahl Hessische Husaren (600)
1,2,3,4,/Mecklenburg-Strelisches Husaren (600)
Jäger-Inf.-Detachement (100)
Jäger-Inf.-Detachement (75)

A big thank to Matthieu! :coeurs:

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Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:55 am

Anybody trying this mod, please give feedback to JastaV and us! Thanks in advance.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:29 pm

Is it compatible with JSGME ? (I think yes...)

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