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Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:37 am
by Elvis
16th DECEMBER 1812

Snow, snow, still snow.....

Climatic conditions are worst every day

Every men try to reach the nearest shelter to protect from the cold...


Unfortunately, in South, Gouvion St Cyr did not manage to escape from Brest Litovsk before Tomasov Army arrived...


Next week, we will attempt a new 'sortie'


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:46 am
by Elvis
22nd DECEMBER 1812

Due to bad weather, no large offensive to expect before the snow has smelt

La neige et les mauvaises conditions météorologique laissent présager un

Every troops will remain on their position


Russain size Dvinsk which we have evacuated some time ago, leaving only a small 'prussian' garisson... Anyway, nothing to expect from our dear allies...


In Brest Litovsk, Gouvion St Cyr and his bavarians failed to escape Tomasov's claws.



This is the last action seen during this campaign....

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:56 am
by Elvis
Russians and French haven't moved outside cities and villages they occupied, too much frightened to face the freezing coldness outside

Russian campaign is now over
We faced a set back, unable to force Russia to respect the French Empire Order in Europe, when our so gentle Emperor only want Peace and Propserity on the continent... :siffle:



On a military point of of view, it seems so to be a draw, but politicaly a serious defeat....

At least franch army still exist, even if cannot be called anymore the Grande Armée...
Our losses are less than IRL and less than the one suffered by the russians...

Actually this is our germans 'friends' which have lost most, if not all, their troops.
Too bad for them, as we would count on our so much dear german 'friends' to assist us in promoting peace in Europe for this new coming year, 1813, against the British and Russians who only desire War and desolation for the european population....