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Corps Filter in Unit-Ledger ?

Sat May 01, 2010 11:07 pm

Is there a "Corps Filter" in the unit-ledger ?
How do you find (quickly) your corps ?

The Army HQ Filter seems pretty useless to me since there are only a few Army HQs and they are easy to find via the HQ NATO-Symbol. I would like to have a "Corps Filter" instead of the Army Filter ! ;)

Why do I have to "Enable Divisional Command" to a leader when I create a division ? Where is the sense in that ? Are there only a certain ammount of divisions possible per side or is this an old relict from AACW times ?
(I don't have AACW yet (!), so I guess I'm missing some of the major concepts of AGE)

(sorry, it's to late tonight for proper english)

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