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1813 mod

Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:59 pm

I'm not interested in the sordid details. I was just wondering if the mod was still able to be downloaded from somewhere. In the modding secton some other people have requested the same thing without any answers posted.

I did search through the forums but didn't find anything about it's availibility. Thank you.

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:46 pm

No, its not. The modder removed his work after some "sordid events" ;) :(
Unless some player that have already downloaded it can send it to you privately, its not available anymore.

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need coffee

Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:03 pm

I should never search forums to early in the morning. I just noticed there was almost the same post as mine two threads down. I have no idea how I missed it.

On another note if someone does have the mod and assuming it's legal too, could they post it or send it my way? That is assuming that it is not a large file. Thank you.

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:07 pm

turenne08 wrote: On another note if someone does have the mod and assuming it's legal too, could they post it or send it my way? That is assuming that it is not a large file. Thank you.

I'm not an expert on this things, but i think it would be better not to post it here as the author removed it. :bonk:
I guess it would be no problem if one player would send by email to another player the file he downloaded when it was available. :)

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:09 pm

I was assuming from the threads that I read in the modding forum that it was not just one person who did the mod. I'm also used to dealing with mod " teams ".

I also assumed that all that happened was that one person involved with the mod had a share site and he shut it down. So that the other members of the mod were free to repost if they felt they wanted to.

Sorry if it seemed to you to be a stupid question.

Not to beat a dead horse but this is the second post in the aforementioned thread.

"Nikel is in charge of Graphic improvements, Historical reserch, Scenario testing.

Bruit Bleu is in charge of the French language localization. I'm personally humpering his work adding new lines to translate dayly.

murat and Carnium are going after the beta testing.
murat is also supporting the team work with souces links.

Aphrodite Mae, (my favourite teammate) is refreshing spirits in hard times.
.... That's reason why I love hard times!

Pocus, while very busy on his own is supporting our editing efforts.

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:32 pm

Yes, i was also a little involved on it for spanish translations.
But the coordinator and main responsible guy, JastaV is who removed it.
If you whant i can send you my spanish translations. Its all that its mine ;)
But i don't think it's gonna be useful for you with the rest of the files.
I don't have them anymore. Sorry :(

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:36 pm

Thanks for the info anf trying to help.

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:33 pm

Attached last version I have

I have no idea if it runs, is OK or anything about it......

Support not included :blink:

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