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What is the most fun scenario?

Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:00 pm

I'm a HUGE AACW and WiA fan, but for some reason, I haven't gotten into NCP as much. Part of that may simply be my personal makeup. I love the campaigns in AACW and WiA.

But the subject of NCP is fascinating to me and I think the AGEOD designs are second to none, so I'm guessing I'm missing something.

Here's my question...what do you think is the most fun scenario to play?

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Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:14 pm

I played 1806 scenario just one time for French side: it's a very challenging one!
Peninsular War is for lengh and compexity close to AACW and WIA large Campaigns: it needs some fixes and improvement yet.
1813 is a great what if scenario, with player having many planning options at hand. Two 3rd party scenarios are also avaiabable, while a huge full 1813 Campaign scenario is in preparation: see at NCP mods pages.

I never tried 1812 and 1814 scenarios: knowing Napoleonic history and NCP they are expected to be two great ones to try.

1815 is strongly unbalanced, so it could be challenging to seek for victory on the french side.
Ney: The army will not move!
Napoleon: The army will obey me!
Ney: The army will obey to its Generals’ orders!

[SIZE="1"]Fontainebleau, April 1814[/size]

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Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:33 pm

I have not played for real the long 1805 scenario added on on of the patch but it looks very interesting. :thumbsup:
Nearly all Europe is playable and bosh sides have to take lots of strategic decisions.
The French can chose the inland way (attack on Austria as in history) or the risky sea invasions of England while parrying the attacks of the Austrians.

Peninsular War one is very interesting. A diamond in the rough :thumbsup:
The standard 1805 and 1806 are good choices to rampage as the French or try to survive as the Prussians/Austrians.
1809 one is much more balanced i think.

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Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:02 pm

Penisula scenario. Epic history, epic-length scenario.

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Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:30 pm

The scenarios involving fleet actions especially when someone have to deal with the English fleet. After few defeats I made a successfull landing in England.

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