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Maximizing Combat Power-Any downside to Big Divisions?

Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:35 pm

I seems to me that the best way to organize your Army is to load up the best division commanders with the maximum number of elements and use as few divisions as possible. Is there any reason not to use this strategy? Is there any advantage to a corps having more smaller weaker divisions than a few uber powerful ones? (of course in both cases under the command penalty limit).

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Stonewall Stu
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Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:24 pm

Smaller divisions allow you to spread your forces around to cover more territory. They lose less cohesion wen they move and can lose less men during combat. Big divisions are good for intense large scale battles though drawn out campain it can limit your ability to manover and cover your flanks. You can bring smaller divisions togeter for large scale battles wit possibly less cance for CP being exceeded. avin played for many years I used to be a bi fan of lare divisons, more recently I ave opted for smaller ones to allow more manoverability, holdin/taking strateic cities creating secondary armies for out flanking manovers etc.

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Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:12 pm

Was that typed on an iPad by chance?

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 9:56 am

Smaller divisions also allow you to tailor the elements with the leader. Say you have a cavalryman leader, then you'll probably limit yourself to an handful of cavalry elements.

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:27 pm

I agree, but is there any reason to have two small cavalry divisions as opposed to one big one? Seems not.

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:28 pm

warrenpeace wrote:I agree, but is there any reason to have two small cavalry divisions as opposed to one big one? Seems not.

Scouting and intelligence purposes. If your sending out a Cav Division for the purpose of reconnaissance I doubt anyone would want to use that Division offensively, so maximizing combat efficiency is less vital, and with 2 divisions you can cover a lot more ground.

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Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:30 pm

Pocus wrote:Smaller divisions also allow you to tailor the elements with the leader. Say you have a cavalryman leader, then you'll probably limit yourself to an handful of cavalry elements.

Unfortunately most Generals with Cavalryman trait are good commanders so I use the slightly gamey technique of elevating them to Infantry Division Command, rather than there historical position. (ie JEB Stuart and NB Forrest)

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Sat May 04, 2013 2:42 pm

I aree leadership values of some calvary commanders are just too juicy for purely recon and are better as divison commanders and then you also have the possibility of them bein promoted to corp commander and heigher

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