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Napoleon Campaign questions

Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:49 am

This forum is fun. And as I wait to see if the demo will work, once again, on my computer, so that I can buy the game, I thought I'd ask some questions about the game.

1. What is the earliest battle/campaign in the game? The Italian campaign? Is Valmy in the game?

2. Do the campaigns connect together? As in, if Davout is killed in the Jena campaign would he be absent in the Russian campaign.

3. Can Napoleon be killed?

4. Who is your favorite General (non-Marshal) in the game?

5. Do you prefer playing as France or the coalition.

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Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:06 am


1- 1805 (Austerlitz). Its Napoleon (the Emperor) Campaigns... not Bonaparte (the general) Campaigns ;) .
2- No. They are independent scenarios.
3- Yes but very unlikely. Never seen it.
4- mmmm... Napoleon?? ;) :D
5- I usually prefer France


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