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Jump Map

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:14 pm
by Chamberlain
Hey guys,

Quick question, not sure if this one came up yet.

Can the jump map also show the positions of the opposing army (non FOG units). Maybe have Blue dots for union & Gray, or Red for Confederates.
The issue is when I want to move a unit(s) closer to the battles or to meet an opposing force head-on, I need to scroll down, up, sideways to see where the oposition is before moving them. If the jump map showed the location where the opposing forces are, it would allow for better placement of your troops, and quicker. It doesn't help if you are moving your units away from the opposing forces.



Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:00 pm
by caranorn
I believe it already does. White squares for the Confederates and blue squares for the Union.

Marc aka Caran...

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:19 am
by Pocus
this is what the minimap does, blue for Union, Grey for CSA. You don't see any grey spots?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:43 pm
by Chamberlain

I am not sure.

I always see the blue ones.

I will have to check to see if I see white squares.

If so, maybe they can be changed to gray or white to be more visable.


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:56 pm
by Chamberlain

So what it sounds like is if you are playing the Union, you will be able to see your bluue units on the map & you will also see your opponents, the grey CSA units on the map.

I will re-check the jump map, but if the grey units are there, maybe they blend in or I just have not noticed them.

***** Update - Pocus, I loaded up my saved game and I do see the white units on the map. I guess I was looking to see grey or red for the CSA. Is there a way to make the white units brighter or to actually change them to grey or red ? *****



Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:53 pm
by tc237
They are there, they are a light gray, so it can be difficult to see sometimes.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:29 pm
by tc237
What is the file for the Mini-Map dots?

I'm trying to make the dots darker myself but can not find the correct file.
If I manage to change it, I can send you a copy Chamberlain.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:01 pm
by Chamberlain
TC237 & caranorn, I stand corrected.

I loaded up my saved campaign & yes :bonk:

they are there....

Thanks guys,


Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:07 pm
by Chamberlain

okay, that sounds like a plan.

Good Luck



Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:09 pm
by Pocus
if you want to mod for yourself the color, it is possible, open the file


here you find an entry:

MinimapColor = $colUSAMain

change the color to something else, as defined here:


you can add colors to ColorAlias if you want too.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:19 pm
by tc237
Thanks Pocus, it works great.

I followed Pocus' instructions and was able to change the color.
If you are able to this yourself go ahead. If you need help just ask (PM me with your prefered color and e-mail).

I have a few examples:
MinimapColor = $colGray64_____MinimapColor = $colGray75

MinimapColor = $colGray128____MinimapColor = $colGray192

MinimapColor = $colGray75 is a custom color,
You have to make a small change to the ColorsAlias.ini file to create it.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:15 am
by Chamberlain

Thanks for the tidbit....
PS... What do the numbers after the color in the ColorsAlias.ini represent? If I add a color, what numbers do I have to add after it.
ex. $colRed xxx |xxx|xxx|


Thanks for the map examples. I also tried White, DarkBrown & Black.

I settled for Black, and they show up well against the blue union.

I changed the MinimapColor = $colBlack in the 1confederate.fac

Thanks for your help,


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:00 am
by Pocus
red, green, blue, alpha intensities.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:15 am
by Pocus
note though that every patch will overwrite these data

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:10 pm
by Chamberlain
Pocus wrote:note though that every patch will overwrite these data


Will a patch even overwrite any color I select that is currently defined in the ColorsAlias.ini file ?

I am using the standard Black entry defined in the file.

