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How to change the impact of loyalty in the General Supply production ?

Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:08 pm

If i believe that the impact of loyalty in the General Supply production should be improved in RUS, can i MOD the Supply Production Modifiers somewhere or is it a hard coded engine feature ?

Currently, it work like this (according to the Manual) :
=> Loyalty : Supply production is multiplied according to the Loyalty percentage of the region plus 50%. The
equation is: [Loyalty + 50%] X [base # of supplies produced]. For example, if a region is completely loyal
(i.e. 100% loyalty) the base supply production in the region would be multiplied by 1.5.
=> National Morale : For every two NM above 100, the amount of supplies produced by a supply source is
increased by 1%. For every two NM below 100, the amount of supplies produced by a supply source is
reduced by 1%.

I would like to reduce this +50% bonus :)

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Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:36 pm

The general supply production is per type of terrain, in ter files plus what existing structures may add (e.g. ports or cities)

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:35 am

PhilThib wrote:The general supply production is per type of terrain, in ter files plus what existing structures may add (e.g. ports or cities)

OK, i understood now that the supply production depend also on the weather in the .ter files. :w00t:

But i was looking how to modify the +50% of the equation :
[Loyalty + 50%] X [base # of supplies produced]

[size=84]Anyway... i calculated that you already designed it well. It's maybe not good to reduce it as i wished. I was thinking if a country occupied with only 25% loyalty to the occupant (like let say France in late Vichy State), finally it's normal that it would be not more that 25% of the production which is lowered and still 75% of it goes to the occupant with the military control. Unless there is open insurrection.

Thank you for the quick answer, PhilThib :)

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