AGEod Grognard
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New 1775-1783 Grand Campaign ARW mod

Sat Jul 14, 2007 3:23 am

New 1775-1783 Grand Campaign ARW mod release


Here is a new mod for the 1775-1783 scenario. With the evolution of the BOA engine and bug fixes, gradually the 1775-1783 grand ARW scenario has become unbalanced. This mod brings the scenario into better balance. It also fixes some regional data errors. In addition, the mod strengthens defense and creates a new balance between the various troop types.

The American AI produces a very good game at normal setting vs an English human player. The British AI is not so good. Bases are not protected adequately. In addition, the AI is using the Brit army in penny packets or turtling with large armies in major supply centers which unfortunately is not really producing a challenge for the American player.

While good for play against the American AI, the mod is primarily intended for PBEM play. I would recommend the individual that enjoys methodical play take the English side. I would recommend the player that enjoys taking a few calculated risks from time to time play as the American. I would definitely suggest playing a bit against the AI prior to a PBEM game. It helps to have a decent feel for the new defensive combat resolution prior to playing a PBEM.

Here is a list of the major scenario changes:

1. MacDonalds Tory uprising in North Carolina in early 1776 added as an event.
2. East Florida Rangers and East Florida Tory Militia appear as English reinforcement events from 1775-77 if the British control St Augustine
3. American state militia raised in the time frame of Dec-March 1776 now appear as reinforcements from Jan through March 1776 as events.
4. Continental Light Infantry Brigade appears by event as two brand new Continental Light Infantry regiments created in August 1777. They will appear with the largest American Army.
5. Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina militia units restricted to the Deep South and South Central regions.
6. English regulars replacements reduced from 16 a year to 8 year.
7. German irregular replacements increased from 0 a year to 1 a year.
8. Newly created fort garrisons, except colonists garrisons, are now composed of 2 infantry and 2 artillery elements. Starting garrisons must use artillery replacements to reach full strength.
9. Fort Supply increased from 6 to 8.
10. Both Fort Wyoming and Fort Pitt available on May 1775. No garrison.
11. Fort Mifflin, outside Philadelphia, and Fort Liberty, Newport, appear in the game beginning May 1775. Both have inherent garrisons and naval batteries.
12. Fort Montgomery has a 33 percentage chance of appearing at West Point beginning Jan 1776 if Americans control West Point. Inherent garrison and supply.
13. Fort Washington has a 10 percentage chance of appearing at New York City beginning in Aug 1775 if Americans control New York City. No garrison.
14. Fort Constitution, Peekskill, has a 33 percentage chance of appearance beginning in June 75. Garrison only.
15. Fort MacLean appears at Penobscot Bay in June 1779. (Hopefully will have new event tied to this Fort added in the future.)
16. All leaders with strategic leadership ratings of 6 are reduced to 5 except Washington.
17. Skirmisher ability added to a number of partisan/ranger/indian leaders.
18. Lord Dunbar and his troops now have a random appearance location and date within Virginia.
19. A limited number of new American and Tory leaders are now in the game.
20. Certain irregular troops (Indians, partisans, mountaineers) have reduced assault and Rate of Fire abilities. Hover tooltip over elements of irregular troops to see current values.
21. Movement rates of the following Americans troop types increased from 100% to 105%- Continental Infantry, Continental Infantry (trained), American Militia, Tory Militia. Continental/Tory armies without supply wagons or artillery will move slightly faster than English/German/French/Spanish troops.
22. Certain American and Tory troop types have their food supply useage and stock changed from 2 food supply useage per month with a stock of 4 food supply to 1 supply used per month with a stock of 3. Ammo useage rate and stock remains the same. Troops changed: Continental Infantry, Continental Infantry (trained), Marines, Dragoons, Artillery, American Milita and Tory Militia. Most American troops and Tory militia troops will resupply faster and last longer in the field (3 months vs 2 months) than English/German/French/Spanish troops. (An unintended but unavoidable side effect is that American and Tory troops will survive a month longer in a siege than English troops.)
23. Conflicts in certain regions between terrain graphics depiction and terrain data fixed to agree with terrain graphics.
24. Complete redo of terrain and ground condition modifiers on combat resolution. Defense emphasized and a new balance between the various troop types. See thread on "New Terrain Modifiers Mod".
25. To be added in future--reduced ammo stock for several irregular troop types.

Directions for installation:

1. Use copy/paste to make a new copy of your original BOA. Rename the folder, BOAmod. A new copy is needed because the model changes will affect all scenarios. In addition, certain new units will not work with other Revolutionary War scenarios.
2. Open your new BOAmod folder, and create a new folder titled, 75CampaignMod13July2007
3. Upload the 5 zipped files located at the bottom of this thread into your new 75CampaignMod13July2007 folder. Upload the remaining 3 zipped files from the second post.
4. Unzip the LocalStrings75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Settings folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
5. Unzip the Alias75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Alias folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
6. Unzip the Events75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Events folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
7. Unzip the Regions file into your Regions folder within your GameData Folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
8. Unzip the Structures75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Structures folder within your GameData Folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
9. Unzip the Terrains75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Terrains folder within your GameData Folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
10. Unzip the Units75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Units folder within your GameData Folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.
11. Unzip the Models75CampaignMod13July2007 file into your Models folder within your GameData Folder. Select yes to have all files overwritten.

That is everything. Use the BOA startup icon, within your new BOAmod folder, to start BOA. Within scenarios, select the 1775-1783 scenario and you are ready to go!

Please post any suggestions or feedback on balance issues or if any bugs slipped in at the last moment.

Hope you enjoy!

Go to BOA Headquarters forum to download: http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.php?t=4949

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Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:41 pm

Jagger wrote:6. English regulars replacements reduced from 16 a year to 8 year.

How do you mod this? I cannot find the replacement events.

AGEod Grognard
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Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:19 pm

runyan99 wrote:How do you mod this? I cannot find the replacement events.

If you do a search for remplacement within the events file, you will find events which adjust replacements. I just adjusted the numbers.

SelectFaction = $AME
Remplacement = AME;$Artillery;1

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Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:51 am

Really cool volunteer's work, congrats! Hok will surely want to integrate that in Boa Gold, after some reviewing of him.
Instead of copying completely Birth of America, you could just copy the BOA folder and use a moddir.ini file.

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AGEod Grognard
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Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:22 am

Definitely welcome to use with BOA Gold. Although I suspect some tweaking will be necessary with the new features.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:03 am

For what it is worth I think Jagger created an excellent mod that ought to be considered at least in part for BoA Gold. The Malitia may be a little over powered, but the feal is definitely closer than the original, it is an excellent addition to your fine product.

Thanks to both the AGEOD team and Jagger.


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Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:13 am

I agree with George40...the mod is great. I don't think the Militia is too strong...it depends on the terrain.If they are in the woods they do well vs. european style troops...but they do poorly in clear terrain.

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Sun Dec 23, 2007 1:30 pm

Great fun but I ran across some very minor bugs.

Missing the End event in the German replacements 1776 event file.

Line 4698: TurnIndex: Testing vs current turn index: 8 False
Line 4705: SelectFactions, 1 Faction selected: Great Britain
Line 4706: => Start event command, there is already an event being parsed: evt_namGermans_Rpl_ENG continuing on it.
Line 4709: TurnIndex: Testing vs current turn index: 8 False
Line 4716: Finished processing event: evt_namGermans_Rpl_ENG

Add in the end event and it works fine.

The two German Major Generals are looking for the symbol_IntegratedGeneral_2.png
when there is only symbol_IntegratedGeneral_1.png in the Graphics\Natosymbols File
Replace corresponding line in Model file and it shows up.

In my Game I changed the starting locations of some of the early American militia so they start in a city from the state they are in (1st Penn begins in Annapolis, changed to Philly, Mass regiment in Pourtsmouth NH to Peabody.) I believe this is a leftover from the Original BOA coding.

Also There is an event looking for Peeskill? when it should be looking for Valley Forge 3rd New Jersey event and fort event.

Your Light infantry in Lit2 can be upgraded to Cont. Line by training officers/drill masters, reducing the power of these units. Removing the line PrimUpg = $mdl_AME_Inf2 in 345 American Light Infantry stops this process.

All in all I'm loving the mod, even supply feels right.

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Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:28 pm

Is this more recent than the mod you did posted on main forum?
Are riflemen impimented, and any changes to the Germans?

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Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:36 am

I tried downloading per Jagger's intsructions without success. Which BoA folder needs to be renamed, and where is the best place to put the whole game copy?

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Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:51 pm


See the first post in this thread and follow the link at the bottom of that post.

I followed that, made the changes, and even used the Mod Swapping program on the 2nd page, which, made it REAL easy.

That 1st page has links to all the needed ZIP files. It also tells you where to place the files. Following along with the mod swapping program on the 2nd makes it even easier. The big thing is making the file structure the same as the game currently has...

If you have any problems, Personal Message (PM) me..
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Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:24 am

thanks arclight,

I had used that mod switcher program for graphics mods when I was dabbling with Combat Mission WWII games. (We all spent some time in the 20th century.) Graphics never got good enough to make up for clunky game system.

I now have game mod up and running. It has many changes I would have made, and I have a few more in mind. I checked what was being unzipped carefully, to insure proper file structure, and had no problem.

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Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:17 pm

I notice this mod started out from campaign 1775-1783, not the alt campaign. The Rebels before Boston are weaker than I've gotten used to.

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