JB Hood
Posts: 46
Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:26 pm

regiment names

Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:28 am

the new db is very good

i can now recruit historical correct named brigades (Archer´s brigade in Tennessee, etc)

is it possible to give the regiments also correct names (without events)?


Archer´s brigade:

14th Tennessee Infantry
19th Georgia Infantry
1st Tennessee Infantry
5th Alabama Infantry Battalion
7th Tennessee Infantry


AGEod Guard of Honor
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Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:35 am

would be fantastic indeed...

Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:16 pm

Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:49 pm

Currently to get that kind of detail you have to use flavor brigades which are basically defined as units and arrive through events. The unit files have flavor names and they are used when recruiting units. The models file (where the rgts are coming from) has flavor names but aren't used currently. Pocus has told me in another thread that's an addition that's coming. So instead of getting generic names within a historical brigade you recruit at least they could have better names even though they might not match up historically. For example a unit might be recruited called Archer's Bde and would pull 1st TN, 2nd TN.... from the models file for it's regiments. Which to me would be a great improvement. I'm not one that tries to recreate history but love to fight out a version of the civil war with the attached flavor. So it wouldn't bother me so much if a brigade didn't have the exact units.

What I'm working on is a mod for April 1861 that does recruitment completely different and I'm still working out the kinks. I want to recruit brigades and then assign individual regiments recruited seperatley to it. That way the player would have total control of their brigades. Opens up alot of options like brigades from mixed states and such.

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Location: Richmond, VA

Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:22 pm

That'd be swank and all, but I am personally pretty happy with historically named brigades. If it's a coding issue, I say put that time into the AI.

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