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1775 Aar

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:49 pm
by grenna
Thought I'd start a AAR, and I hope to read other players' experiences

After going through the tutorial, I decided to try the 1775 campaign as the British.

The campaign started off with Howe debarking in Boston with reinforcements and joining Gage outside Boston. I sent what little Georgia militia I had toward Savannah. Ward promptly attacked my forces outside Boston and was defeated. Seeing the main rebel army apparently dispersed before Boston, I grew bolder.

I sent Gage (Howe failed to activate) to take Cambridge, while Howe defended Boston.

I sent some Indians from near Montreal through northern New England on successful raids, which took 2 northern towns.

Seeing that Norfolk was British controlled and there seemed to be no rebel forces in southern Virginia, I sent Clinton with 3 regiments and a supply train and half the fleet to Norfolk.

Savannah fell to the Georgia militia.

After debarking in Norfolk, Clinton advanced up the James River and took Portsmouth and Petersburg after brushing aside token opposition. Virginia raised 2 Loyalist regiments in Norfolk. Seeing that this was going so well, I resolved to send 3 more regiments from Boston. After they departed with more of the fleet, Washington was spotted in northern Connecticut with a large force. Intelligence seemed to indicate that it was militia, possibly some of those scattered earlier.

I wasn’t too concerned but I recalled Gage from Cambridge to Boston. Just as he entered , Washington’s force came up and joined battle. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but both Gage and Howe were defeated and retreated to Cambridge as Boston fell. Well, now I was in it deep! My main force was without a port! Leaving the loyalists as a rearguard in Cambridge, Howe and Gage took the port to the northeast in New Hampshire. I recalled the forces going to Virginia. As Washington approached, I managed to load everyone on the boats. But where to go? It was September and winter would arive soon. New York was open and had a great port, but my forces needed refitting and supplies. I didn’t feel up to holding New York City before being reinforced. So I steered for Halifax, close by and sufficiently supplied for the winter.

I resolved to halt further operations in Virginia until the spring, hoping only to hold onto what I already had, at least keepig Norfolk.

I found that the AI was fairly sharp, although I question its initial assault on Howe and Gage. The whole thing has a very historical feel to it. It should be superlative by PBEM!


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:59 pm
by Pocus
nice report, yes, and I question myself the decision of Ward too. I dont recall that he was doing that in my last test (I assured myself that he didnt do that). Will check...

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:12 pm
by grenna
Pocus - I had done a previous start up in 1775 and Ward also attacked. I have the AI set at normal, and my British units were set for defense. I know that historically, Washington several times called a council of war, advocating an assault on Boson, but was turned down by his offcers each time. A wise decision, I think. I would prefer to see the Americans less inclines to attack Boston initially, but I don't know how you could go about reining them in in this one particular instance. Of course I've only played this twice now, so this may not happen too frequently.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:29 pm
by PhilThib
When I play the brits, it never happens until I do the Bunker hill stuff by myself (not frequent because Gage is rather inactive)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:42 pm
by Pocus
I'll check that. Its all a matter of knowing why he attacks, and if the decision is not wise then I will recalibrate some parameters so that he sees the light :)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:57 pm
by waynef
Nice AAR ... keep us posted

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:24 pm
by grenna
The February 1776 turn is completed. Over the winter Howe has been snug in Halifax and his forces have resupplied and taken in a trickle of replacements.

In Canada, the Americans have taken Montreal. They bypassed Prescott's 2 regiments in St. Johns. I had Prescott counterattack, but his force was overwhelmed by twice his numbers of militia. The rebels have also taken the flotilla in Montreal. Could there be a way to scuttle bateaux to prevent their capture?

Carleton's strength grows slowly in Quebec, with the raising of several regiments of militia.

The Americans have taken Presque Isle (?) on the shores of Lake Erie, although the flotilla of brigs escaped.

Clinton retreated before battle from Petersburg by Campbell and H. Lee and militia all the way back to Norfolk, where the Americans were finally defeated and have melted away.

I'm anticipating the arrival of large numbers of reinforcements this spring, including the Prussians. Is there any way to know beforehand when to look for reinforcements?

Depending on when and where major reinforcements show up, I plan to sail to New york City. I hope to also send a few regiments to bolster Clintonin Virginia, and a regiment or two to hold Savannah. I have refrained from sending any from the West Indies during the hurricane season. Also, I couldn't seem to load anything into the West Indies squadron, although no forces were locked.

I hope to get some more turns in tomorrow. The weather and logistics work really nicely. There are really only a 6 - 8 months of campaigning before the approach of winter slows things. Lots of areas in snow even in March and April. You really have to be aware in September, of where you will winter. And if your generals fail to activate, you will get even less accomplished.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:38 pm
by Pocus
the big english renforcements have their arrival region semi-randomized (some are more frequent than others).

In our (big) to do list, there is something that should list the expected renforcements, but its not at the top of the priority list.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:38 am
by D.J. Hawkman
Nice Read Gene!!!!!! Don't worry turn on the way..... :siffle: Sorry for delay.... :p leure:

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 1:19 pm
by Fatboy
What about a few screens to spark up the AAR?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:39 pm
by grenna
This is the situation in Canada, July 1776. Burgoyne arrived mid-spring at Quebec. I sent him to Trois Rivieres by bateaux. This took about 20 days or so. To have marched the two areas (connected by road) would have taken him a staggering 63 days!! Slow moving Johnny indeed!
As you can see, Washington is now operating in the Montreal-St. Johns area. I have yet to examine the map closely, but I have no idea what troops he has, wether continental or militia, and what condition they are in. I will send Brandt and his Iriquois to scout and harass. If feasible, I can attempt to force Washington out of Montreal and St. Johns. If not, perhaps winter will whittle down his forces. In any event, the arrival of British reinforcements should divert his attention to New York. More later. I hope I did this correctly.....


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:58 pm
by grenna
This is the situation in Vriginia, July 1776. I intend only to hold the Petersburg-Norfolk line for the time being. It may prove to have been a distraction that I could ill afford.

AAR Aug 76 - Jan 77

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:42 am
by grenna
As Burgoyne approached Montreal, Washington moved out, leaving a small rearguard in place, easily brushed aside. Meanwhile, during the spring and summer, British reinforcements began to pile up. First Parker's fleet, transporting Cornwallis and half a dozen regiments or so showed up off the Carolina coast. After dropping off 2 regiments in Savannah, the fleet proceeded to Manhatten. I also sent Howe and a full fleet load of reinforcements from Halifax to join up with Parker and Cornwallis in the waters outside Manhatten. There were a total of 4 or 5 large arrivals in Halifax. My biggest problem will be transporting them to the main areas of action.

When the fleets showed up off Manhatten, it appeared that Greene was there with a substantial force. However, it had taken considerable time assembling the British forces. By the time they landed, it was November and Greene had withdrawn, also leaving a token force behind which was destroyed, and Howe entered Manhatten, capturing some shipping. Charles Lee waited in Danbury, keeping watch. I began sending the fleets back to Halifax to begin ferrying more troops to Manhatten.

In Canada, following Washington's withdrawal, Burgoyne invested St. John in Richelieu, which was defended by 4 regiments. Burgoyne made no headway and retreated back to Montreal in November, suffering 50+ hits due to weather!! However, I saw no damage to his forces, due I presume to the 4 supply wagons he was dragging with him?

That's pretty much where it stands as 1777 begins. Various Loyalist regiments had been raised during the year, and some were now disbanded.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:57 am
by Pocus
supply wagon shielding you from certain death: yes its that, check the supply level of those wagons though, you will see you depleted them fast!

I note that all your renforcements came to Halifax: this is a script engine bug and has been corrected for 1.02.

Keep us informed of your progress, we can share tips and informations with your AAR ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:02 pm
by Grell
Nice AAR Grenna,

Do please keep it up.



Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:24 pm
by grenna
Pocus - where will reinforcements be directed? The only ports I controlled at the time were Norfolk, Savannah and Quebec.

supply wagons - yes, they were all depleted from a level of 80 to 4. They were quickly replenished in Montreal.

March, 1777:

Burgoyne and most of his generals failed to activate in Montreal, hampering my hoped for drive down Lake Champlain. Nevertheless, I managed to send Von Riedesel with about 8 regiments across the river to invest Fort Chambly, St. John in Riecheliue. Knox met him in battle, a draw ensued, with no losses to the British, but light losses to the Americans who withdrew into the fort.

2 large fleets crammed with troops under Leslie arrived off Newport. I ended up wasting time here because I fumbled the amphibious assault - I thought i had set them to debark/assault but had difficulty with all the forces in the small space of Newport. There is only 1 American regiment in Newport.

Cornwallis led a substantial force from Manhatten and took Danbury, Connecticut.

Indians captured 2 American supply wagons near Lake Champlain. It would be best if I could destroy them, as they move too slowly to get away.

Washington is near Albany.

April 1777:

Burgoyne still refuses to move from Montreal!! Von Riedesel still investing fort Chambly with no success.

Newport was captured as the small American force retreated to Providence.

Leslie continued on to take New London.

Cornwallis took Ft Constitution and West Point while Howe entrenched in Manhatten, awaiting more troops from Halifax.

At the end of the month, Green slipped into Manhatten with 3 regiments to face Howe's 20!

The bulk of the Amican force seems to be in the Albany-Mohawk-Lake Champlain region.

Viriginia is quite, and in the deep South one or two minor posts change hands.

Here is the scene in the New Yor-Newport area at the close of April.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:51 am
by Dadaan
Lookin nice, keep up the posts!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:59 am
by Pocus
you also controlled Halifax, so they would have gone to this city.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:01 pm
by grenna
Pocus wrote:you also controlled Halifax, so they would have gone to this city.

Right, but they wouldn't go to Norfolk. I'm guessing that they would go to the largest port controlled?

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:04 pm
by PhilThib
The system does not work like this: reinforcements from England are bound to a list of ports, among the 5 or 6 most important in the Americas (and held by the British of course). The list is set in advance, only the one from the list to be chosen in the end is not decided but randomized on the turn of arrival.

This represent the fact there were no submarine cable, sattelite or cell phone :sourcil: in those years and the ships that left Europe for the New World one month earlier could not be "re-directed" en route...they just show up in their original destination (and would move to another if enemy occupied)

This was rather complex to represent so we sort of randomized the arrival port, with a higher % for the large ones of the time..

As a rule, if British-held, New York will get the reinforcements 30-40% of the time, followed by Philadelphia, Boston and Charlestown in 15-20% each..and at worst the troops will end up in Halifax (NS) or Kingston (Jamaïca)...

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:15 pm
by grenna
PhilThib wrote:
This was rather complex to represent so we sort of randomized the arrival port, with a higher % for the large ones of the time..

As a rule, if British-held, New York will get the reinforcements 30-40% of the time, followed by Philadelphia, Boston and Charlestown in 15-20% each..and at worst the troops will end up in Halifax (NS) or Kingston (Jamaïca)...

Understood. Thanks! Glad they didn't wind up in Kingston.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:07 pm
by grenna
May '77

Van Riedesel continues to besiege St. John's in Richelieu, while Butler defeats a small force of dragoons commanded by H. Lee, capturing wagons as well. Burgoyne still inactive but SLOWLY crossing from Montreal to join von Riedesel.

Meanwhile Knox slipped over the St. Lawrence with 1 regiment to besiege Kinston-on-the-Lake!

New England -

Leslie left New London to take Providence, R.I. Gates is spotted in Boston with 8 units.

In Manhatten, Howe defeats Greene in the rain and mud. Greene retreats to Newark with only minor losses.

Cornwallis crosses the Hudson back into Connecticut, besieging Hartford, defended by Lee and 9 units.

Being forced from Boston in '76 was a serious blow, as I still have many troops waiting in Halifax.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:07 am
by grenna
June 1777

Burgoyne finally crosses the St. Lawrence and enters St. John's, which finally fell.

Von Riedesel pushes down the west shore of Lake Champlain, picking up the 2 supply units previously captured by Brandt's Indians.

Butler, his rangers and Canadian militia chased Arnold's small militia force from the Indian village of Caughnawagas.

The short siege of Kingston-on-the-lake is lifted and the Americans are nowhere in sight. Hmmmm....

Cornwallis is still besieging Hartford - the defenders' supply level is zero. Lee and about 6 units are trapped in there.

Leslie besieges Boston, while Grey shows up outside Boston harbor with a large flotilla from Halifax. Inside Boston is Gates and 11 units.

Washington is back in Albany with a small force.

In Virginia, a growing force of Continentals in Richmond glares at Clinton's force of equal size across the James River. I hope to keep this a quiet stalemate for a few months.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:53 am
by Pocus
grenna wrote:June 1777

Cornwallis is still besieging Hartford - the defenders' supply level is zero. Lee and about 6 units are trapped in there.

This remind me that I have to refine the algorithm... The problem is a siege is a kind of gamble: should I sortie before the besieger starve me to death, or should I wait because now that the breach is done the assault will comes? :bonk:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:28 pm
by Dadaan
Ah, the question we ask ourselves each day...

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:13 pm
by grenna
JULY 1777:

I believe I made 2 ( at least!! ) errors in New England. At both Hartford and Boston Cornwallis and Leslie conducted their respective sieges entrenched and in a defensive posture. I suspect this allows forces to enter and exit?
Hartford's supply has gone back up from 0 to 3. Worse, Gates slipped out of Boston. Now, Leslie took Boston, but believing Gates was safely bottled up, Grey landed at the adjacent port area, New Bedford.

Well, wouldn't you know it, but Gates exited Boston, retreated before battle and scooted to - you guessed it - New Bedford, while Boston fell to Leslie.

Poor Grey landed expecting no opposition - instead he was soundly defeated with heavy loss by Gate's moderately sized force supported by artillery.

I had left Cornwallis and Leslie in defensive mode because I had expected some counterstroke from the growing forces in New England, not to mention Washington near Albany.

Von Riedesel continued along the shore of Lake Champlain and besieged Allen and St. Clair in Ticondera ( supply level 7 )

In Virgina, Tarleton detached from Clinton's force and took Charlotte.

I'll need to get more agressive in New England.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:23 pm
by Patriotes1837
Just got around to read this. Sweet AAR. More. :hat:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:58 pm
by grenna

Von Riesedel still besieging Ticonderoga; Burgoyne slowly toiling his way there from St. Johns. It would be helpful to have boats on Lake Champlain, but mine were lost when the Americans took Ticonderoga and St Johns in early 76

Von Riedesel turned back a small militia force from Ft. Edward.

Leslie was inactive at Boston, so I sent Grey with a large force against Gates in New Bedford - Gates had some militia, lots of supply and lots of artillery.
The report indicated a draw, but Grey took New Bedford, captured 3 supply units and one siege artillery, and Gates is nowhere to be seen.

Howe was inactive in New Jersey, so he threatened Philadelphia ( containing an entrenched Greene and a strong force ) by taking Princeton.

Small American forces are starting to raid into southern New England from the Albany and northern Mass. regions - Washington is now in Springfield, Mass. with a small force.

Tarleton was defeated near Charlotte adn his legion destroyed by a small militia force which retook Charlotte. Tarleton is recovering from wounds in Norfolk.

Tory leader Brown defeated Moultrie in South Carolina as British forces approach Camden.

I take it the Crown and its ministers are not amused at my glacial progress ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:58 am
by grenna
Sept 1777

Made a little progress this month.

Von Riedesel got a breach at Ticonderoga and inflicted 30+ hits on the defenders. With winter coming (snow in the Adirondaks already ) and supplies dwindling, he'll have to assaault the fort. Burgoyne is only a few days away with artillery and supplies, but Ticonderoga has to fall before winter sets in.

Cornwallis got a breach at Hartford and took it. He's dangerously low on ammo. The garrison seems to have escaped? Gray is across the river in eastern Connecticut, (my home, way up in the northeast corner of the area ) with plenty of supplies and on his way to Hartford. Hopefully, the large American force in Springfield won't be able to interfere.

Howe took Philadelphia, capturing supplies - Greene fell back.

Brown defeated Moultrie again near Camden, but the situation from Virginia to Florida remains static so far.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:16 am
by grenna
October 1777

Von Riedesel assaults Ticonderoga and defeats Arnold, taking the post. Burgoyne enters with him, bringing up the artillery and the supplies. They will winter in Ticonderoga, as blizzards now rage around Lake Champlain.

In the South, Camden, S.C. falls to Loyalist forces.

In Virginia a growing American force faces Clinton.

Howe digs in at Philadelphia, in the midst of blizzards. Trenton falls to the British.

The main American forces are loacated in a belt from the Mohawk Valley, through Albany , and on toward the Connecticut River Valley in Springfield, Mass.

I don't anticipate much action in December as the weather is harsh in the north.