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Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:46 pm
by Spharv2
Turn 42 -
Another pretty active month. Butler moves his force coming from Montreal back into Ft. Edward. There are numerous small forces around, which could pose a problem if they consolidate, but as it is, they aren't a large threat individually. Albany continues to hold out, as the colonists continue to move in reinforcements, but Grey is able to fight and deal out a good bit of damage to both attempts.

Battle of Albany pt.1

Battle of Albany pt.2

Springfield continues to be reinforced, and now contains fourteen units. I will move my Hartford army up there this turn in a defensive posture, as they should be joined by the reinforcements this month.


Robert Howe now has a small army outside Baltimore. Reinforcements are being hurried to the city, which should hold out long enough for them to arrive. Loganton should fall this turn, along with York.


In Virginia, there were two battles. Cornwallis unexpectedly ran into a force at Appamatox, while Howe had a two day battle in Randolph.

Battle of Appamatox

Battle of Randolph pt.1

Battle of Randolph pt.2

Fredricksburg is beseiged and this month, Charlotte will join them. Watson took Yorktown, and will take Williamsburg this turn. Howe will take some forces back to Portsmouth to ensure there's plenty of defenders in the area. Cornwallis will be the one to beseige Charlotte.


Turn 42 -
Montreal is once again under seige. I moved forces down to Oswegatchie, and he moved around and once again put the city under seige. Those forces will not turn around and go back to lift the seige.

Albany finally falls...luckily since winter is coming.

Battle of Albany

There is also a very bloody battle at springfield, in which I took out a lot of the enemy forces.

Battle of Springfield

The city is now under seige. One more regiment from New York will join the seige now that they have recuperated. Hopefully I can take the city and winter there, as it will provide a good springboard for next year's campaigning season.

Robert Howe retreated from Baltimore to York. Luckily, I have plenty of forces near there to deal with him.


Both Charlotte and Fredricksburg remain under seige. Lynchburg fell this month, and Ft. Chiswell should soon also.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:47 pm
by Spharv2
Turn 43 -
Winter has arrived in places. Just in time, I took control of Springfield.

Fall of Springfield

Robert Howe went on the offensive before I could collect the necessary forces to take him down.

Battle of York

He's moving out north now, so I'll fill in my forces behind him to block any retreat and let him sit out the winter outdoors unless he can find a city of mine to take.

In Virginia, I'm forced to try and assault Fredrickburg and Charlotte this turn, since I can't afford to sit out in the snow down here. Ft. Criswell fell this month, so once I gain these two cities, I'll control all the towns in the southern colonies.


Turn 44 -
Both Fredricksburg and Charlotte fall this month.

Battle of Fredricksburg

Battle of Charlotte

Robert howe retreats to York before I can capture it, so Leslie will retreat his forces to Lancaster to winter across the river.


At Ft. Edward, Gates finally collected the random units in the area and laid seige to the fort. I'm hoping they can hold out for a while since the winter is here, maybe Gates will pull back and give me some room.


Turn 45 -
Once again, Montreal is under seige, but I should hold out without too much trouble, although a force outside the city was defeated.

Battle of Montreal

Gates' army took a lot of damage from the winter weather. If he doesn't fall back this month, I will sortie and try to defeat his weakened force.


There is no other action this turn, as winter has really set in.

Turn 46 -
After forgetting about the seige for a few months, I finish off Loganton.


The Colonists pull back from both Montreal and Ft. Edward. I also receive some new militia regiments.


No other action this month.

Turn 47 -
No action or movement this turn.

Turn 48 -
The colonials slip behind my army in Springfield and retake Hartford I should be able to trap that army there though, so I'm not too worried about it. Winter is nearly over, so I'm planning out what I'll do this year.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:22 pm
by Pocus
I never saw an AAR with so much screenies, congrats!