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James D Burns
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A couple questions

Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:20 pm

I was playing my first April 1861 2 theatre campaign and noted an oddity with Kentucky. The Union entered and attacked one of the Confederate controlled towns (Lexington I think, don’t remember for sure) activating the militia unit inside and then capturing the place after destroying the militia the same turn it first attacked.

The end of turn report then displayed a message in red text stating that the Union had invaded Kentucky. In black text just underneath that message it then stated that the Confederates had invaded Kentucky. I had sent no troops into Kentucky, so I assume the activated militia set off the confederate invasion script.

I went to the manual and did a search for Kentucky, but found absolutely no info on how Kentucky and its neutrality are handled. Other than activating an opponents fixed militia in the state, is there anything players need to be concerned with by activating the invading Kentucky script?

Does the state eventually join a side based on hostile actions or is it just a random roll? Or perhaps it’s a fixed historical event and the state always joins the Union?

On another note, I am being invaded by the Union all over the map whether the troops are lead by generals or not. Was the possibility of preventing offensive moves into enemy controlled territory unless lead by a general who passed his strategic dice roll left out?

The McClellan effect sure isn’t having any impact in my first game, the Union is taking my cities left and right while I desperately try to build enough forces to stop them. Jackson is besieged in the Shenandoah, Fredericksburg is gone and Richmond is being threatened and it isn’t even July yet.


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Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:09 pm

First off, I'd start with the July '61 campaign if you're playing the South. After you figure out the mechanics a bit, then go for the April one. It's significantly tougher for the CSA starting in April because of quite a few factors.

Not sure about the Kentucky thing, I meant to ask about it, but completely forgot. In real life, the US sent troops in, then quickly recalled them, the CS sent in troops about the same time, but they stayed. Both sides claimed the other side started it, so it might be a set event, not sure. I know it doesn't always join the Union though, as a matter of fact, I've never seen them join the US.

Any troops not led by generals will be active, unless locked. So they'll be able to move, but should fight with a significant penalty. Even inactive generals can move their troops, though they will do so slower, and are limited to the defensive and passive postures.

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:05 am

I'll let PhilThib answer for KY.

As for the rest, April 61 campaign is an hard one as Confederates true. The game won't prevent leaderless forces to move and fight, but as Lee says, they are rather penalized.

McClellan and others lethargic leaders (all three stars in the Union side at start): they will seldomly be activated, so they won't go on the offensive, this is the best you can hope, and things will be significantly slower because of that, so use this time to levy many troops for Virginia, this is your weak point at start.

When men like Grant and Sherman arrive (and raise in ranks), you will see that it get far worse, because they move fast and hit hard.

Lastly there are many subtle mechanics to learn by trial and errors, so things will be easier after some practice. And don't buy only costly units, Militia and Volunteers are very interesting for both side.

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:29 am

I shall check the Kentucky events logic once more. It's true we did not give details in the manual and some keys are missing for your proper understanding.

The trick is: whovever attacks the other side triggers the event...or more exactly the first to attack triggers the event... there seems to be a problem when both sides enter simultaneously...

I'll be back on this later today :indien:

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James D Burns
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Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:35 am

Just to clarify, I never entered Kentucky as the confederates with any of my units, but the message text said I had invaded and all Union militia were activated. I assumed that the activated Kentucky confederate militia that was attacked by the Union triggered the confederate invasion script.


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Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:07 am

Yes, you are probably right...which means the CSA trigger was not properler de-activated after the Union attack...needs a bit more investigation :coeurs:

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:19 pm

we are rechecking all the KY event chain. I don't know if it will be finished before the week-end though.

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