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Problems with CDA militia

Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:26 am

I have recently noticed a large problem when making selective edits to scenario files. Specifically, that the British have about 9 units that are speced to be raised in Canada that never appear in the game.

There are 2 militia units for each of Quebec, Montreal, and Halfax, as well as 2 Tory regiments and a ranger unit.

The game starts with one militia unit in Quebec, and you get 2 Tory regts. and Butler's rangers in 75-76, but otherwise, you never see any of this.

I've attemped to fix this by setting their raise area to $QC instead of Quebec_Area or $Canada, but this not seem to have any effect.

Could it be that the lack of any strategic cities in Canada is screwing up the autoraise process, thus resulting in no units appearing? If so, what do i have to edit in the Scenario files to make Quebec into a strategic city?

Another, unrelated, question is one about forts. Specifically, are units supposed to not have replacements from a lvl 1 city with a fort builit on it? If so, this is an annoyance to a British or French player, as their units will have to march halfway across the map to fix their severly weakened units that usually start in the west.

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:59 am

yes, you would need a strat town, you can add that by using SetVP = 1 for a given region in the events of initial scenario script.

this is on purpose yes... troops will not get replacements if only in a fort.

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Canadian Troops

Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:02 pm

It sure does seem that the Canadian militia don't show up in great numbers. I do think that part of the problem is a lack of strategic cities plus if the American player does not enter Canada the Canadians don't get excited. Even if more Canadian militia do show up they're going to be stuck in Canada so I don't see much of a problem there. I do think the Canadian militia would have risen up had the Americans did more adventuring in Canada and hopefully the game would model that correctly.

That little British unit way out west won't grow because of supplies. That little level one town only pukes out 1 supply chit - 5 food points and that's only enough to keep a one-subunit unit alive there. It needs to move to a city with a bigger supply source like Montreal and it will grow up to a big 4-subunit unit. There are some garrison units that will only ever have 2 subunits in them no matter the supply level.

The best way to have units take on replacement subunits is to park them on a depot. The best way to repair damaged units is to park them on a depot with a supply wagon, that supply wagon gives that extra supply needed to suck up those invisible replacements that repair battle damage.

One thing you need to do is calculate supply points. For every point of supply level you get 5 food points and 1 ammo point. I then look at the food supply point consumption of the force at that city and compare it to that city's food supply production. If a city's supply level is 11 then you have 55 food points so you need to keep any army stationed there to less than 55 points of supply consumption. I shuttle less than full supply wagons from a crowded city to a depot and run full supply wagons back pretty much each turn or so. Plus you have to be careful about winter as that reduces city supply levels and that can change what was a supplied army into a poorly supplied army pretty quick.

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Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:32 pm

The problem is not that piddly little garrison unit in Kingston-on-lake (lvl 1 towns don't give replacements, anyway), but those 3 Brit regular units in Fts. Niagra, Vincennes, and St.jean( or whatever that one south of Montreal is).

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