Luis de Aveiro
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:46 am
Contact: WLM

AI and Events

Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:00 am

Hi to you all.

I was wondering if the AI and events are moddable, and if there will be a script list, just like in Great Invasions?

Although the game timeframe is limited, is it possible to develop the colonies/states, with constructions and alike? If so, could you give us some screeshots of those menus as Christmas presents ;)

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Sat Dec 24, 2005 2:34 pm

[quote="Luis de Aveiro"]Hi to you all.

I was wondering if the AI and events are moddable, and if there will be a script list, just like in Great Invasions?

Although the game timeframe is limited, is it possible to develop the colonies/states, with constructions and alike? If so, could you give us some screeshots of those menus as Christmas presents ]

the AI can be "reparametized" to change its behaviors depending of the situations.
the events are totally moddable.

There is no constructions per se, except fort&depot, its not a Colonization-like ;)

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